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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Getting around and cashing out!

Getting a cab in Laives/Sennecey/Tournus
There is a cab service in Laives (where the dinner is on Friday) that operates seven days and all hours of the day and night. They have two cars, a regular one and one that can hold up to eight people and they will pick you up and drop you off wherever you need, including train stations and airports. We have reserved this cab service Saturday to shuttle guest back home from midnight to 6 am.
Phone:  03 85 46 20 83   or  06 11 37 19 28

Renting a car and driving one
Rental car locations
The car icons on this map show some rental car location places.

Driving licenses
From the France Tourism Site: “a valid driver’s license (permis de conduire) and passport are required to operate a motor vehicle. Minimum age for drivers is 18. Proof of insurance is necessary. Carry your identification, license, insurance certificate and vehicle registration (carte grise) with you. Seat belts must be worn in both the front and back seats of all automobiles. Children under 10 may not ride in the front seat.”

Some information about traffic signs.

Using credit cards
France and most other European countries use credit cards with micro chips aka “Smart Cards”. Many automated services are only available with smart cards, includes automated distributors of train tickets, metro tickets, phone booths, and urban bicycle share (Velib in Paris).

One can still use the US-type magnetic strip card to get cash from ATMs (“distributeurs automatiques de billets” or “distributeurs” for short - everybody will understand the meaning of the word “cash”). Also, US cards can be used to pay in most shops and restaurants that accept credit cards. You will sometimes have to swipe the card yourself if the waiter/cashier is not used to it.

Travelex offers an alternative with a Chip& PIN Cash Passport card that is like a cash card that you can re load with a credit card and that you can get here.

Compost it!

A note to the train riders!
When using a train ticket that is not one you printed yourself, you must "compost" the ticket before boarding the train. There are composting machines located in every train stations, usually on the way to the train platform. The composting machine will stamp your ticket with date and time, and sometimes punch a hole as well.

For proper composting technique, see Molly's illustration below.